How to Set Goals to Achieve Results and Growth


Grow your business to create a business and a life you love!

Goals are exciting, daunting, and necessary things. Business growth and success depends on them. So if you don’t know what your goals are, it’s time to clarify them and create a plan. An expert business mentor can help you achieve the best results and hold yourself accountable for your success.

1. Clarify Your Goals

It may sound obvious, but the first step to achieving a goal is to create a crystal clear understanding of it in your mind. Separate your big long terms goals from the small, and recognise how they each fit into your overall vision for business growth. Your long terms goals are what I call your Outrageous, Massive, Goals. These are your goals for 3 - 5 years. They are like your Mount Everest and they should care you. From there you work backwards to craft your medium to short term smaller goals. If you are having trouble plainly identifying your goals, ask yourself what your vision is, your values, and your purpose. This should give you an idea of what goals you need to aim for to achieve your dream. Next, make sure your goals are viable. They should pass the SMART test: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and with a Time frame.

2. Create a Plan

Procrastination and lack of motivation are key factors which prevent people from reaching their goals and business success. Instead of feeling frustrated with yourself for your lack of enthusiasm, ask yourself why you are putting it off. You may discover that you’re finding it hard to get started because you don’t know exactly what needs to be done. Break down your goal into a timeline of targets. Putting you in control and providing you a clear sense of direction. You will spend every day more wisely and to better effect if you follow a plan. It also allows you to measure your outcomes against your goals to evaluate your results and make your next plan superior.

3. Enlist a Business Mentor 

Sometimes it’s difficult to know what needs to be done, or how to go about doing it. We get so involved in the running of our businesses that we lose sight of the bigger picture. When this happens, it can be easy to spend too much time focusing on the wrong things. Making you feel as if you are working hard and getting nowhere. A fresh perspective from a business advisor could be all you need to create effective goals and plans. A business mentor is someone who sees what needs to be done and helps you to create actionable steps to make it happen. A mentor is there to teach you, support you, and give you the tools to achieve your business success.

4. Hold Yourself Accountable

Many business owners are run off their feet and are very hard workers. It can feel overwhelming even to think about your goals when you are busy, and tempting to push them aside. But when it comes to holding yourself accountable, being busy is not enough. It’s important to stay on track to make sure that you are using your time wisely to reach your goals. Surround yourself with people who have successful mindsets. Successful people will encourage you to see business growth as part of everything you do. A business mentor can show you how to adapt an attitude of continuous growth. Resulting in ongoing assessment of your results and holding yourself accountable for meeting and achieving your goals.

Access all of the benefits of your very own expert business mentor to help you build your thriving business, call Virtual Executive today to chat further.

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