How To Overcome Your Self-Doubts

Design Your Life - Build a Life & A Business You Love!

Overcome Your Self-Doubts

If you struggle with the up and downs of everyday life, the challenges around self-belief and overthinking everything especially when running a business, then this episode is for you.

I was talking to one of my clients the other day about, what is stopping her from living her ideal life. And it all boiled down to self-belief or lack thereof, so I wanted to share with you some tips and tricks I practice daily to keep a positive, mindset which keeps me motivated, passionate and always pushing through fear.

Design your life, build a thriving business and life a life you love!

Inner Gremlins
First, when your inner doubts pop up, be quick. Don’t let them spin out of control or grow from a whisper to a stream of discouraging sentences. Instead, acknowledge the doubtful thoughts, the gremlins that are causing you to doubt yourself.

In your mind, say something like: No, we are not going down that road again, and become aware that these thoughts only serve as fear. By doing so, you can disrupt the thought pattern and stop that inner self-doubter from taking over.

Get A Boost Of Optimism
Let someone else’s enthusiasm, passion and motivation flow over to you. I walk or jog most days. I love listening to an audiobook or a podcast.

I love listening to The Tony Robbins Podcast, love audiobooks I’ve listened to Melissa Ambrosini, Mastering Your Mean Girl, I’m listening to Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch and I’ve listened to Blue Ocean Strategy & Contagious to name a few. I make sure I walk first thing in the morning, it’s set me up for the day.

Take 5 minutes at the start of the day and at the end of the to meditate, and clear your head. Meditation helps me gain inner peace, increased my self-awareness, helps me be present more (something I struggled with for many years and continue to do so, many entrepreneurs struggle to be present) It grounds me and calms me.

Journal every day. In my Setting Goals for Success - 90 Day Sprint Mastermind Program, I share the tools I use daily to keep myself on track, towards my goals.

My personal daily planner, starts off with Morning gratitude, rather than focusing on what I don’t have, I focus on what I do have.

I write down my big vision and my goals, this way I’m staying aligned to them.

I write down my top 3 priorities for the day.

I write down the words or mantra I like to live by. For me, these include

  • If it’s meant to be it is up to me.
  • I’m the master of my own destiny,
  • Live your values,
  • Be kind to People,
  • I surround myself with like- minded people.

When I grew up, there was lots of the victim mentality around me. I’m very aware not to fall into the victim mentality, and I choose to be accountable and take ownership for my life. I don’t associate with people who have a victim or blame mentality – I make a very conscious choice to exclude this from my life.

  • I then make a list of everything I want to say “no” to.
  • I make a list of everything I want to say “yes” to.

I write about when I feel happiest…to connect to that feeling

In the evening – I write down my top 3 wins for the day, it’s so important to celebrate success.

I write down the lesson from the day and the opportunities for improvement.

What I’m grateful for and what I plan to do tomorrow.

Journaling and gratitude works for me; it keeps me focused on what I want to achieved, appreciate everything I have, and being self-aware

These tips will help you to deign your life, build a thriving business and live a life you love!

Are you Ready to CHOOSE to Design Your Life? Build a Thriving Business and live your REMARKABLE DREAM life, a Life that YOU LOVE!  


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If you are ready to Kick-Start 2017 & Make It Your Best Year Yet! The team at Virtual Executive are excited to help you achieve greatness. As an accomplished CEO and leader, our founder Caroline is thrilled to be able to share her advice with you, so you too can get remarkable results and success like she has.

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Caroline Kennedy

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