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From founder Caroline Kennedy

Our business blog shares articles about business management, we share insights and tips to help you learn, prosper & grow with expert business advice from an accomplished CEO. We focus on all things business and growth. We'll be your business mentor, educating you on many business topics.

"Being in business can be a lonely journey. I know, because I've been there myself. So, here in the CEO HQ Blog, I share valuable pieces of information and tips and tricks I have learnt along the way in the hope you can avoid making the same mistakes I've made." - Caroline Kennedy

Amazing Christmas marketing campaign

By Caroline Kennedy | Nov 6, 2014 |

In my book, The Power of Wow! Why Thank You Makes Dollars & Sense, I discuss how powerful it is to connect emotionally with your customers. Watch the video that follows, it shows a promotion by Westjet, which is one of the most surprising, genuine and ingenious campaigns I’ve seen in a long time. You…

7 Steps to Improve Employee Engagement with Recognition

By Caroline Kennedy | Aug 14, 2014 |

7 Steps to Improve Employee Engagement with Recognition Success in business is all about the people. People make a business successful, not matter what industry you are in; employees are your biggest competitive advantage. The foundation of any successful business is the people, and a focus on ensuring staff feel happy and valued is important.…

Marketing is ultimately about values

By Caroline Kennedy | Dec 23, 2013 |

Marketing is ultimately about values In my book, The Power of Wow! Why Thank You Makes Dollars & Sense, I discuss how powerful it is to connect emotionally with your customers. In particular, the chapter I wrote, Memorable moments: defining the customer experience covers the key buying patterns of consumers and how that can impact…

Recognition – 5 steps to show recognition

By Caroline Kennedy | Nov 7, 2013 |

Recognition I read an article on tonight; it was related to how you can motivate and make someone’s day. Motivating and recognising people are topics I talk about in my book The Power of Wow! Why Thank You Makes Dollars & Sense. I’ve worked in the corporate world for over 17 years, and the…

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